Episode 54

Overcoming Fear of Sales and Closing with Confidence [Ep. 242]

In today's episode, we're diving deep into one of my all-time favorite topics—confidently closing the sale. If the idea of closing makes you cringe, this episode is for you. I'll walk you through how to build the confidence you need to make those sales with ease and authenticity.

Key Takeaways:

  • Confidence is key—if you don't believe in your offer, neither will your clients.
  • Love your offer suite: Believe in the results you can provide.
  • Practice your pitch with a business buddy.
  • Learn from discovery calls—record them, listen back, and use client language in your responses.
  • Let the client do most of the talking; understand their true needs and pain points.
  • Tailor your response to their specific situation while maintaining integrity.
  • Ask about their fears and hesitations openly and honestly.
  • Take "no" as a learning opportunity.
  • Ask for feedback to understand the real reasons behind a client's decision.
  • Stay open to follow-up and potential new opportunities.

Action Steps:

  • Practice: Find a biz bestie and practice your pitch and closing conversations.
  • Record and Reflect: Record your discovery calls and listen to them to improve.
  • Ask for Feedback: If a client says no, ask them why to gain valuable insights.
  • Schedule a Coffee Chat: Need practice? Schedule a coffee chat with me to refine your closing skills.

**Links, Offers, and Previous Episodes Mentioned:**

Schedule a Coffee Chat with Michelle

Offer Suites


closing the sale, hate selling, overthinking sales, pressure in sales, sales assumptions, taking sales personally, building sales confidence, loving your offer suite, offer results, discovery calls, maximizing profit, handling sales resistance, sales feedback, overcoming sales objections, learning from sales rejection, sales follow-up, sales accountability, virtual sales strategy, business profitability, coaching offers, sales communication.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for The REAL Truth About Business: Business Growth Tips and Strategies for Online Service Providers, Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs
The REAL Truth About Business: Business Growth Tips and Strategies for Online Service Providers, Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

About your host

Profile picture for Michelle DeNio

Michelle DeNio

Michelle DeNio is a seasoned Business Strategist known for her customized growth and scaling solutions. She dives deep into clients' businesses, crafting tailored strategies that empower confident decision-making. Michelle's knack for connecting people and fostering communities makes her a trusted referral partner and community builder. With a commitment to client success, she's the go-to expert for sustainable business growth.

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