Episode 234
Weekly Revenue Generating Actions [Ep. 234]
Are you caught in the hustle without seeing the results you desire? It's time to zero in on what truly drives revenue. Discover how to identify, schedule, prioritize, and execute the actions that lead directly to business growth. By the end of this podcast, you'll have a clear, actionable plan to optimize your time and efforts for maximum profitability.
Key Takeaways:
- Balancing the Grind and the Goal: Learn how to align your daily actions with the overarching goals of your business.
- Identifying Money Making Activities: Understand the crucial difference between staying busy and being productive with revenue-generating tasks.
- Scheduling for Success: Get strategies to carve out dedicated time in your week for these activities, ensuring they get the focus they deserve.
- Prioritizing What Matters: Find out how to avoid the common pitfalls that lead to overwhelm, by focusing on a maximum of three money making actions at any given time.
- Effective Execution: Break down the process into manageable steps and learn how to maintain the flow without getting overwhelmed.
- Measuring and Tracking Progress: Grasp the importance of accountability and tracking your efforts to ensure they're contributing to your bottom line.
Take Action:
- Audit your current growth strategy to identify what money making activities you should focus on.
- Schedule a free rapid fire strategy call with me if you're ready to transform your efforts into tangible results.
- Join Money Mondays for weekly co-working sessions to prioritize your revenue-generating actions.
**Previous Episodes Mentioned:**
money making activities, small business growth, profit increase, leads generation, sales enhancement, growth strategy, business podcast, revenue generating activities, Focus Visionary strategic reset, visibility, direct messaging, nurturing relationships, relationship building, content creation, accountability, local business, networking events, client retention
Mentioned in this episode:
Sales Simplified Free LIVE Workshop
Learn Why Most Sales Plans Fail... and How to Fix it! Most business owners struggle with sales because they’re doing too much—too many offers, too many strategies, too much second-guessing. They don’t need a new offer. They don’t need to work harder. They just need a clear, focused plan. That’s exactly what you’ll walk away with in this free workshop.
Get those money making hours on
Speaker:your calendar. Okay, you can set aside 1 hour a week.
Speaker:Again, this is where I talk about inside the framework, the focus
Speaker:visionary framework, about balancing the grind and the goal.
Speaker:Your money making activities are part of the
Speaker:goal. Hey there. Are you, a small business owner,
Speaker:frustrated by the growth of your business and ready to increase your profits, your
Speaker:leads and sales? Whether you're one year in or seven years in, I
Speaker:want to connect with you for a free rapid fire strategy call.
Speaker:In this free 20 minutes call, we will dive deep into your current
Speaker:growth strategy, see what's working, what's not working, and see
Speaker:where you are leaving money and opportunity on the table. If you are
Speaker:ready to stop spinning your wheels and start seeing results from your
Speaker:actions, hop on my calendar today by going to
Speaker:michelledenioconsulting.com and book your
Speaker:free rapid fire strategy session.
Speaker:Hi. Welcome back to another episode of the real
Speaker:truth about business, Real Talk. This is the
Speaker:third time I have hit play on this episode,
Speaker:and I keep getting an error that my Internet connection is unstable.
Speaker:So anyway, third time's charm, let's just hope that we
Speaker:get through this. Um, we're diving in today to talk about money
Speaker:making activities in your business, prioritizing them, identifying
Speaker:them, etcetera. But before I do that, I just want to give you a
Speaker:little personal note. And sentiment from me is
Speaker:that when I log in to record this podcast, I
Speaker:am literally sitting in here as if you are
Speaker:on the other side of Zoom with me, and I am having a conversation,
Speaker:and we are friends. And my goal in my intention with
Speaker:creating this podcast is that I hope that you feel that. And I just want
Speaker:you to know from the bottom of my heart that I do really, truly value
Speaker:every single person that listens to this podcast. And I
Speaker:hope that you feel like we are friends, because
Speaker:in my world, we are. And I just want you to know that. And I
Speaker:think it's important because relationships mean a lot to me. Relationships
Speaker:are the core to everything I do in my business. And
Speaker:I don't want anybody to ever feel like, you know, I'm
Speaker:just here and I'm talking at you. Like, I
Speaker:really hope that when you listen, you feel like we. I am talking with you
Speaker:and I am sharing and all of that. And so I don't know why I
Speaker:felt compelled to say that today, but it's been. It just was on my heart,
Speaker:like, and it was in the moment. And, like, my intuition just said to do
Speaker:that. So, um, I'm going with it. But anyways, so today
Speaker:we're talking about money making actions in your business,
Speaker:and this is really,
Speaker:really important, okay? And I think there
Speaker:is a lot of drama, for lack of a better word,
Speaker:around this. There's all these acronyms. There's, like, IPA. You know, I
Speaker:think in, like, a lot of. In the MLM world, they call them ipas, which
Speaker:when I hear that, all I think of is, like, the local brew. Like,
Speaker:are we going out for beers? I don't think of income producing
Speaker:activities. And then there's, like, I call money
Speaker:making activities, and then there's revenue generating activities. At the end of the
Speaker:day, all the horseshit and everything, it just means, like, what are
Speaker:the things that you're doing in your business that directly correlate to revenue?
Speaker:Okay? And I think people get wrapped up in
Speaker:thinking they're doing money making activities when they're really just being
Speaker:busy. And so I really want you to listen today and
Speaker:think about what are the money making
Speaker:activities in your business? And we just wrapped up a
Speaker:five day with the focus visionary strategic reset, and we
Speaker:really identified the money making actions for every
Speaker:participant. And so that's where this episode is coming from.
Speaker:Today is just, it's so brilliant for me to
Speaker:see, like, the light bulbs that go off when it's like, oh,
Speaker:this is exactly what I need to be focused on. Okay? And
Speaker:so where I think people get tripped up with money making
Speaker:actions is that they get very focused on the grind, right? They don't
Speaker:prioritize these money making activities. They over
Speaker:commit to money making actions. They end up falling to the bottom
Speaker:of the list. They get pushed aside. They don't get
Speaker:prioritized. There's really no
Speaker:set, like, plan for implementation. They really.
Speaker:Nobody is really taking the time to figure out, okay, these are the money making
Speaker:activities in my business, and this is what I'm my goal. Okay?
Speaker:So I really want you to think about this before
Speaker:you just commit to it. Okay? And I'm going to give you kind of four
Speaker:key steps we're going to go through really quickly of four
Speaker:steps that are going to help you set this up
Speaker:for yourself, for your business. And also keeping in mind that I'm going
Speaker:to give you some examples, but your money making activities in your business
Speaker:are going to be very different than mine, as they are any of my clients,
Speaker:because everybody's business looks different. Okay? So you really need
Speaker:to go back to what's working, right. If you didn't listen to that episode,
Speaker:go back and listen to that one and identify
Speaker:what you need to do more. Of. Okay, so step number one is
Speaker:identify what the money making actions are, right. That's the,
Speaker:that's the first step. And keep in mind, there really
Speaker:should not be more than three of them, all right? They should.
Speaker:You should not have more than three money making actions in your business
Speaker:at any given time. It doesn't mean they can't change. It doesn't mean they might
Speaker:not shift. But at any one time, you should not be
Speaker:focused on more than three. And it could be that you really
Speaker:only have one. Okay. You could have one thing that,
Speaker:you know, if I do this over and over and over again, it nets results.
Speaker:And if that's working, then that's your money making
Speaker:action. Okay, so let me give you a. Few examples of some money making actions
Speaker:of what you can identify as for your business. Okay? So
Speaker:for me, it's scheduling coffee chats. I know,
Speaker:and I can prove, and I have the information that supports that. When I book
Speaker:coffee chats, it indirectly,
Speaker:it leads to more money, whether that's through a referral,
Speaker:whether that's through a collaboration, whether it's through a direct
Speaker:client, coffee chat to client, you know, whatever it is. I know that
Speaker:coffee chats are one of the best income producing
Speaker:activities ipa in my business. I know that if
Speaker:I focus on them, and I also see, like, when I book
Speaker:many of them and I have a couple in a row, like, things start to
Speaker:really come together. Like, it's also amazing for
Speaker:content because I have some of the best conversations, and it usually turns into content,
Speaker:which then turns into follow up or whatever it looks like at a great conversation
Speaker:yesterday, and it gave me a great opportunity to follow up with the lead, which
Speaker:is number two for me, is follow up and or nurture.
Speaker:Right. Because top of mind relationship building is a
Speaker:priority for me. So if you struggle between follow up and
Speaker:nurture, go back and listen to that other episode. I've got a lot of.
Speaker:I'm going to be referencing a lot of different things in this episode, which
Speaker:I know goes against the grain and everything that you should do in a podcast
Speaker:episode. But I can't help it because this one is full of resources, and I'll
Speaker:make sure they're all in the show notes. So follow up versus
Speaker:nurture. So I. That's something that I do. And also knowing who you're
Speaker:following up with and what are you following up with them on? Right.
Speaker:So it could be staying top of mind. It could be that you're following
Speaker:up with them because they're a lead. You know, there could be a
Speaker:multitude of different things. And so what
Speaker:does that look like? So again, if I'm saying book coffee
Speaker:chats, how do I do that? Well, a lot of times it's
Speaker:through direct message on social media, or it's
Speaker:in, I am in two paid communities, and it would be to do,
Speaker:again, direct message or put a post up in those communities
Speaker:of asking and looking for, to connect with people
Speaker:for coffee chats. Okay? So that is something I do every
Speaker:single week. All right. And then follow up. Who do you need to follow up
Speaker:with and what are you following up with them on? And then whatever
Speaker:that looks like for visibility, you should have something that is
Speaker:visibility. It could be, right. For me, it's the Sunday morning brew, right?
Speaker:That is my one revenue generating activity
Speaker:and also the podcast. So I try to batch record my podcast, though.
Speaker:So they are not, that's not a weekly action, right?
Speaker:And I say weekly because quite honestly,
Speaker:you don't need to be doing these things every single day, right?
Speaker:They become part of the grind and like, that's how they fall to the bottom
Speaker:of the list is because you're trying to do them every single day, and it's
Speaker:really not realistic. Okay, which leads is going to
Speaker:lead me to step two. So recap. Step one is identify
Speaker:what are your money making actions for the week? What are
Speaker:the weekly non negotiables? Like, I need to do this
Speaker:every single week. Okay? And if you're struggling with that,
Speaker:or write down and brained up your list of all the things you feel
Speaker:like you need to do that are money making and revenue generating
Speaker:activities. Okay? And then I want you to
Speaker:look at that list and kind of take it a step further and ask yourself,
Speaker:like, well, what is the goal with this? Right? So if I put on their
Speaker:DM's, right. Send 20 DM's a
Speaker:week. Okay, what's the goal? Well, my goal is to book
Speaker:coffee chats, right? My goal is to do ten coffee chats a month.
Speaker:So I should be able to do that. If I'm, if I'm connecting
Speaker:with 20 people a week there, I should more than be
Speaker:willing or able to book ten coffee chats. Right? So what's the
Speaker:goal? Follow up and or nurture. Right? So what is
Speaker:the goal? Obviously, follow up is to convert to either a sales call,
Speaker:is it to convert to a discovery call? Is it to convert. What's, what is
Speaker:the intention behind the follow up? Or if it's to nurture, is it to keep
Speaker:people in your world? Is it to check in on them, to see how they're
Speaker:doing, you know, that type of thing. That's what you could look at and then
Speaker:ask yourself, like, what. How much of this, like
Speaker:what's the quantity? Right? Like how. How do I want to do
Speaker:this? Like how much of this do I need to do? Okay, because,
Speaker:like, if you just sent, like an arbitrary, like, send DM's. Well,
Speaker:like why? To who? For what? Right, send DM's because
Speaker:that's how you follow up in nurture. Send DM's because you're trying to book coffee
Speaker:chats, right? Like, what is the goal? What's the intention? So make sure that
Speaker:it has an intention behind it. It's not just some
Speaker:random activity, right? So if you have a local business,
Speaker:it could be that you reach out to your referral partners. This is something,
Speaker:in the five day reset, one of the members in there,
Speaker:it has a local business that has a very strong referral network in
Speaker:her local area. So her job and her, one of her weekly
Speaker:actions is to like continue to touch base with
Speaker:her referrals to check in with them and see, like, hey, do you have any
Speaker:of this? Or hey, I, you know, giving them further information or doing like a
Speaker:master class, right? So you could be setting up a masterclass. It
Speaker:could be attending a networking event. It could be whatever it
Speaker:is, make sure that there's an intention behind it.
Speaker:Okay. So there's a lot of different activities that you could do, but
Speaker:make sure that there's an intention behind it. Okay. The
Speaker:second thing is, step two is to schedule it
Speaker:into your week. Schedule it and make it a
Speaker:priority. So find out
Speaker:when in your schedule, like find a time
Speaker:that you can get this done. All right.
Speaker:I started a co working session on
Speaker:Mondays for the mastermind group, which is now open
Speaker:to, I say the public, but only to people on my email list. And
Speaker:or if you listen to this podcast, it's not something I'm going to start promoting
Speaker:publicly, like on my socials or anything like that, or on my website.
Speaker:Not yet at least. But if you need a co working or
Speaker:accountability, you can join the money Mondays. I called it
Speaker:money Mondays because I wanted it specific to money
Speaker:making activities. Right. It is not designed to come in and
Speaker:work on client work or something like that. Although if you have to, you
Speaker:have to. But the goal is, is to give a set hour at the beginning
Speaker:of the week to get your money making activities done. So whether
Speaker:that's to create your content, send those DM's and it's 1
Speaker:hour. Which leads me to your money making actions should not
Speaker:take more than an hour per week, right? Because first of all, you're only doing
Speaker:one or two things, so it shouldn't be that overwhelming.
Speaker:And second of all, it's very focused. It's very
Speaker:focused and you're doing it effectively, and you're doing it efficiently, so you should be
Speaker:able to bang it out in an hour, especially if you have that time
Speaker:carved out on your calendar. And that is all you are
Speaker:doing. Right? You're not answering calls in between this, you're not texting with your
Speaker:clients, you're not doing anything. You're literally sitting down, giving yourself
Speaker:that hour and you're prioritizing that time.
Speaker:Okay? So I highly recommend whether you join money
Speaker:Mondays or not, find. Or maybe you're in another co working,
Speaker:find a spot on your calendar consistently
Speaker:every week. Maybe you need to do your money make activities on Friday and that
Speaker:will lead you to the next week. Right? That's perfectly okay,
Speaker:too, regardless of when it is. Maybe it's different every week. That's
Speaker:okay, too. But go through a month in advance and
Speaker:get those money making hours
Speaker:on your calendar. Okay? You can set aside 1 hour
Speaker:a week. Again, this is where I talk about inside the framework, the focus,
Speaker:visionary framework, about balancing the grind and the goal.
Speaker:Your money making activities are part of the goal.
Speaker:This is not the grind, okay? These are the things
Speaker:that are moving you towards your goal. Right?
Speaker:You're shutting off the grind for an hour a
Speaker:week and you're focused on the goal.
Speaker:That is what we are trying to achieve here. Okay? So step
Speaker:one, identify. Step two, prioritize.
Speaker:Prioritize them and get them in your.
Speaker:Get them in your calendar, okay? Number
Speaker:three is execute, right? So you've
Speaker:identified it, you scheduled it in. Now you got to actually execute,
Speaker:right? Execute every single week.
Speaker:And again, don't put too much pressure on yourself. One of the things that I've
Speaker:seen people struggle with or where they get kind of out of control, is that
Speaker:they try to do too many things, right? So let's go back to my example,
Speaker:and I said that I only want to book ten coffee chats a week or
Speaker:a month, right? That's all I can fit in my calendars. Ten coffee chats
Speaker:a month. So I also said that I wanted to do 20
Speaker:DM's, right? So 20 DM's, that's
Speaker:80. That's 80. There's a
Speaker:good chance I'm going to book more than ten. And then what's going to happen
Speaker:is I'm going to get overwhelmed, my calendar is going to get full.
Speaker:I'm not going to have time for anything. And so then that's
Speaker:where these money making activities start to fall off the rails.
Speaker:All right? So execute and
Speaker:make sure that you can actually execute it and maintain it, because
Speaker:also, too, if I send 20 messages on Monday, there's a good chance
Speaker:that Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, those messages are going to continue, right?
Speaker:There's going to be some back and forth, there's going to be follow up, there's
Speaker:going to be questions. You may have to schedule more calls, right? That's where I'm
Speaker:saying these things need to be done weekly. And what I mean by that
Speaker:is it's not that you're not going to touch them every single day,
Speaker:but you also have to have the space to do that,
Speaker:right? So you can't be sending 20 DM's every single day because there then
Speaker:would be no time to actually continue those
Speaker:conversations or whatnot, right? So you do the money making
Speaker:activities once and then all week long, you kind
Speaker:of continue to execute on them, right? You set the precedence, you get
Speaker:the ball rolling once a week, and then all week long, you
Speaker:continue to maintain that you're executing, you're continuing those conversations, you're getting
Speaker:those calls booked, you're executing, you're having the calls, you're having the
Speaker:conversations, right? So you have to leave your
Speaker:yourself space to do that. That's why I say you can't really
Speaker:schedule this every single day because then you're not leaving yourself space
Speaker:to actually execute and
Speaker:maintain it, right? And what you don't want to do is get yourself in a
Speaker:cycle where it's like you start, stop, start, stop. You're doing this, you're doing that,
Speaker:and then all of a sudden you fall off the rails because you got overwhelmed,
Speaker:right? This is a huge struggle that I see for
Speaker:most business owners is they go all in like they, they love it, they
Speaker:schedule the time, they go all in, they go balls to the wall, and
Speaker:then things all start to pop off at the same time. They get overwhelmed, they
Speaker:shut down, they burn out, and then it's like, now I got to start the
Speaker:cycle all over. You don't really need to be in that feast or famine
Speaker:cycle, right? Like, you only need to
Speaker:really think about your capacity. Most of us are not
Speaker:looking to put a hundred people into a program or
Speaker:put 100 people on our calendar in a week, right, or a month
Speaker:or anything like that. So, like, you don't need to go balls to the wall
Speaker:like even in my example that I gave you, I really only need to send
Speaker:about ten DM's, right. Because even
Speaker:if two people convert, that's eight per. That's eight
Speaker:just from that effort alone, you know, and there's a good chance,
Speaker:I know, that more people than to usually
Speaker:convert. Right? So again, understanding what
Speaker:your money making actions are and then giving yourself
Speaker:space in your calendar to actually
Speaker:execute when things start to flow.
Speaker:Right. That's the whole key there, because if you don't leave that
Speaker:space, you're going to get overwhelmed and it's just going to burn out.
Speaker:Okay? So step one, identify.
Speaker:Step two, prioritize. Step three,
Speaker:execute. And then step four is measure
Speaker:and track, track, measure what you're doing. Right. So
Speaker:if you said you were going to send ten, did you send ten?
Speaker:Yes. Okay. Part of the money making
Speaker:or money Mondays is I do have some accountability
Speaker:trackers included in that where you can state, like, what are you
Speaker:focused on? And you can get in there and you can fill it out and
Speaker:you can see your progress. Right? So that's a really great way
Speaker:to track it. I think accountability is huge. Public
Speaker:accountability, I think, is even better. So inside the focus visionary, one
Speaker:of the things that I do is I have them like the weekly
Speaker:trackers everybody can see because it allows
Speaker:people to see that and cheer each other on and whatnot. So anyway,
Speaker:measure and track them. Measure. I sent
Speaker:ten. I said I was going to send ten. I sent ten.
Speaker:Yay. That's your measurement. Now, tracking it would
Speaker:be. I said I was going to send ten. I sent the ten.
Speaker:I got two booked out of that. Cool, great. Track
Speaker:that, right? I did this follow up, I got this
Speaker:feedback. I nurtured these people. Here's what I knew, right?
Speaker:So, like, if you're in that nurture phase, what are
Speaker:they telling you? Is there something going on? Is that, did they give you a
Speaker:follow up date? Right? Like update your notes, track your activity
Speaker:and then maybe it's scheduling, promoting your lead magnet. You
Speaker:know, maybe you're promoting a lead magnet or you're trying to grow your
Speaker:email list, like have a starting point and then track
Speaker:it. I shared about my weekly
Speaker:newsletter once a week and I consistently
Speaker:gained one or two subscribers, whatever that looks like.
Speaker:Right? So again, your, your, your
Speaker:activities are going to look different. How you track them, what you're measuring, your measure
Speaker:of success is different as well. But you want to have something that measures whether
Speaker:or not these money making activities are truly, actually revenue
Speaker:generating. Right? So you can measure them every week as far
Speaker:as what you did, the tracking usually is about once a
Speaker:month, like, and then taking a look at it and reflecting on it and saying,
Speaker:okay, booked. I sent out ten
Speaker:DM's a week. I ended up booking two coffee chats a week from
Speaker:that. The two people I connected with were amazing conversations.
Speaker:They were okay conversations. They led to this. Right? Like, what did it lead
Speaker:to? What's the goal? What is your next step? Right,
Speaker:so that's what you're looking for as far as your money making
Speaker:activities. Okay. It's not just about saying that you're doing all
Speaker:the things or that, oh, I do this, I do this, I post on social
Speaker:media, I engage, because that's. There's a list of things that
Speaker:you could be doing for money making activities. It could be engagement, it could
Speaker:be posting, running a masterclass, it could
Speaker:be all kinds of things. It could be scheduling sales calls, it
Speaker:could be doing meetings. Like, it could be team meetings, right? Could be meeting
Speaker:with contractors because that helps
Speaker:you gain more clients. It could be attending networking
Speaker:events. There's so many things that you've
Speaker:got to actually measure them and track it. Like,
Speaker:it could be client retention, it could be looking and
Speaker:understanding where people are at and what is their next step.
Speaker:Right. So as far as your follow up, maybe it's every week, like reaching
Speaker:back out to a past client. Do you have a group program? Do you have
Speaker:a next step? Like, for me, I've now got this money Mondays co
Speaker:working. So it might be to share it with past clients that might
Speaker:be part of my revenue generating activities in one of the months
Speaker:is like letting people know it exists again, you know, that
Speaker:type of thing. So identify, prioritize,
Speaker:execute and measure. Those are your four steps, and
Speaker:that is what's going to actually help you see the results and
Speaker:stay very focused and move you closer to the goal. This is
Speaker:the once a week, one action, 1 hour
Speaker:that you are taking and setting aside to move towards your goal,
Speaker:because the grind usually takes priority. That's
Speaker:just the way of the world. That's just the way business happens, is that
Speaker:we get wrapped up in the grind. We are reactive, clients need
Speaker:us. We get stuck on WhatsApp, especially with all the texting and the voice memos
Speaker:and everything that goes through. The client demands, the vendor demands, all
Speaker:of these things is part of the grind. So we have to, as
Speaker:business owners, set aside that time to say,
Speaker:I love you, I appreciate you, but go away for an hour. I have to
Speaker:work on growing my business. Right, because you cannot get wrapped up
Speaker:in the cycle of the grind because that is where growth
Speaker:gets stuck. That is where people get stuck, is they just
Speaker:get in this cycle that they cannot get out of. All
Speaker:right? So having an identifying your money making
Speaker:activities and giving yourself the grace to say, I only have to do them once
Speaker:a week. Once a week. I know I'm
Speaker:like blowing your mind right now because every other coach has told you, you have
Speaker:to do these things every single day. You know, your daily ipas,
Speaker:your daily this, your daily that. No, you don't. That is where
Speaker:people get stuck. That's where people shut down. That is where people fall off the
Speaker:rails because it's not realistic to do these
Speaker:things every single day because every day they roll into
Speaker:each other, right? Like, you send DM's, you start conversations.
Speaker:Those conversations keep going. So you can't be starting
Speaker:conversations every single day because after a while
Speaker:you're at capacity. And also, if you have clients
Speaker:and you're busy and you're executing and you're trying to maintain your
Speaker:client relationships, right? Like, you cannot be
Speaker:having these DM conversations or following up or doing that every single
Speaker:day, all day and still actually maintaining and running the
Speaker:business, right? So this is the balance. The happy
Speaker:medium where growth happens, where you start to
Speaker:see the results is finding the balance and giving yourself the
Speaker:priority to focus on these activities and shut everything
Speaker:else off for the world. Okay? So
Speaker:identify your money making activities. Send them to me if you
Speaker:want. If you want some. A little accountability, please, Michelle, at Michelled
Speaker:nyo.com. Send them over to me and tell
Speaker:me when you're going to schedule them in. Right. If you need help and
Speaker:you want that co working, you want that accountability, sign up for money
Speaker:Mondays. It's $9, $9 a month.
Speaker:Right? Like literally, I just put a small price tag on it just for
Speaker:the skin in the game, but it's really just me holding
Speaker:space for you and giving you the trackers.
Speaker:So find the time in your calendar. Maybe Mondays
Speaker:doesn't work. Mondays at noon, maybe that doesn't noon eastern, maybe that
Speaker:doesn't work for you. So schedule the time. Go find an accountability buddy. Right?
Speaker:Whatever. If you need to do whatever it is, prioritize it and get it
Speaker:scheduled, execute them. Don't just
Speaker:schedule it, actually execute.
Speaker:Execute those actions. Right. Don't just talk about
Speaker:it. That's another huge struggle I see is like people talk about all their big
Speaker:ideas, but they're not actually executing. Right. And then
Speaker:measure and track and then, because you don't want to also get stuck in a
Speaker:cycle of doing things that actually aren't revenue generating. Maybe you don't have
Speaker:the data to support that says, like, I know if I book
Speaker:ten coffee chats, I will book this many clients. Maybe you don't have
Speaker:that data to understand the conversion. So this is where tracking is going to
Speaker:become really, really important for you because you may have to shift
Speaker:or switch what you're actually doing to be
Speaker:sure that they are revenue generating. Okay? And that's
Speaker:okay too. The in different seasons of your business, in different
Speaker:launch periods, in different promotional periods, your money making actions should
Speaker:change. And that's very healthy, very normal. So also
Speaker:being very aware of what season you're in and what season your
Speaker:business is in and what season your clients are in so that you can adapt
Speaker:your money making activities to where they're at and where
Speaker:you're at in your business. Okay, so I hope this was helpful. You have
Speaker:your step by step plan. Go take action. Again, don't just listen,
Speaker:go take action. If you need help, you know how to find me. If you
Speaker:want help identifying these things, I highly
Speaker:recommend the focus visionary strategic reset.
Speaker:It will really help you to identify those money making
Speaker:activities. It's $197. It's on demand. It's available to you
Speaker:whenever you can. Go through it at your own pace. You have access to everything
Speaker:for life. I highly recommend that if you're struggling
Speaker:or just reach out to me if you if you need a little bit further
Speaker:assistance. But schedule this time and prioritize
Speaker:them. I cannot stress that enough. I've said it at least 20 times in
Speaker:this episode, and I will say it another 20 times if I have to
Speaker:prioritize the money making activities, but get very
Speaker:specific on what those money making activities are. Okay? I love
Speaker:you. I believe in you. Until next time. We'll talk soon.
Speaker:Thanks so much for listening today. But remember, now it's time
Speaker:to taste action. My goal is to get you results.
Speaker:So what is one action you can commit to
Speaker:taking this week? Feel free to share it with me in my DM's or
Speaker:tag me on your socials. Not sure what action to take? Grab the
Speaker:link in the show notes and schedule a strategic power hour. We can talk
Speaker:through it together and get you a strategic plan of action. In just 60
Speaker:short minutes. Oh, and one last favorite with every
Speaker:podcast. Reviews and ratings are what help us continue to show up and
Speaker:grow. So if you wouldn't mind, please take a quick minute to leave
Speaker:a five star review on Apple or Spotify and. Share this episode with
Speaker:a friend. Thanks. Talk soon.